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Taivex Therapeutics Corporation will attend Bio Asia-Taiwan 2024

Taivex is dedicated to the development of novel cancer therapeutics and possesses multiple First-in-Class/Best-in-Class anticancer targeted drugs. Taivex will attend the Bio Asia-Taiwan 2024, BIO One-on-One PartneringTM to seek for potential collaboration partner for licensing out or co-development opportunities. T-1101 is a First-in-Class oral capsule formulation. The enrollment of study subject of T-1101 Phase I clinical trial has been completed …

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Groundbreaking Cancer Treatments T-1201 and T-1301 to be Presented at WCC-2024

The groundbreaking discovery and development of T-1201, a novel targeting small molecule-drug conjugate (SN38), and T-1301, an innovative multi-targeted tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI), have been selected for an oral presentation at the prestigious 16th Annual World Cancer Congress (WCC-2024).

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Taivex Therapeutics’ three clinical projects have been selected to present their project progress at the AACR Annual Meeting 2024

Taivex has announced that all three Phase I clinical projects, T-1101, T-1201, and T-1301, have been selected to present their project progress at the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting 2024 in San Diego, California. At the conference, unveil for this is the first time to unveil relevant data including chemical structures, product characteristics, and clinical designs of …

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Taivex Therapeutics participated the 2024 BIO-Europe Spring for the opportunities of international collaboration

Taivex Therapeutics attended the 2024 BIO-Europe SPRING conference in Barcelona, Spain ( from March 18th to 20th. During the conference, Taivex engaged in discussions with several companies for internation collaborations, including global pharma, biotech, investors, etc., and will contact further afterward.

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