

First in the worldwide! Oral powder T-1101 approved by the US FDA to start Phase I clinical study

First in the worldwide! Oral powder T-1101 approved by the US FDA to start Phase I clinical study

Taivex Therapeutics Corp. has identified a novel targeting small molecule anti-cancer drug, T-1101, which is oral powder for constitution (OPC). T-1101 Investigational New Drug Application (IND) has been submitted in Aug, 2016 and approved by FDA in Sept, 2016.

T-1101  is novel oral powder dosage Hec1/Nek2 inhibitor, which block the interaction of Hec1/Nek2 during tumor cell division and lead tumor cell apoptosis and achieve anti-cancer effect. Hec1/Nek2 is new anti-cancer target and this First-in-class new drug development challenge also brought T-1101 to received Honorable recognition at the 1th National Industrial Innovation Award.

Trial information and inclusion/exclusion criteria are posted on the following website

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